Tuesday, April 23, 2013

In principio erat nisi.

"You are the sound that I hear.
You are the sound that I hear.
We're not standing.
We're falling."
     - Fever Ray, "The Wolf"

I do not know why I am doing this blog. I really do not. Lately I have become convinced that I am probably mad and creating a blog ex nihilo for no purpose whatsoever seems to fit the profile of madness, but beyond that flimsy excuse for reasoning I cannot come up with a damn thing. I do know that I say 'madness' because I have never been diagnosed with a mental issue of any sort (and I doubt I will ever be), but I am also too quirked and strange-thinking to be anything other than eccentric. Except I am not rich, therefore I cannot be eccentric. So I must be mad.

We will not talk about how that string of thinking is maddening.

I suppose part of a maybe reason to do a blog is that everyone that I know seems to have Something To Say, important things or studious and erudite things or interesting things. I do not have any important or erudite or interesting things to say. I do not even feel that I have wise things to say. I do not know what to say; I have spent my life feeling that way and I do not think that will change. I rarely consider what I have to say to be important or worthwhile or any sort of thing worth listening to. I have been told that most people feel that way. To quote:

"You want to be famous and rich and happy
But you're terrified you have nothing to offer this world
Nothing to say and no way to say it
But you can say it in three languages"
     - KMFDM, "Dogma"

Except that is not the real quote. The lyrics for Dogma are spoken by Nicole Blackman and those same lyrics are a short rewrite of her poem/spoken word "Indictment", which may be found in her book Blood Sugar.  I prefer "Indictment", even though it is without any punctuation at all. While "Dogma" is succinct, "Indictment" tells the whole tale.

See? Nothing important there. No insight. Just regurgitation of fact.

In the space of silence since I wrote that I closed my eyes. I had a vision of a body hanging from a noose, no details, all in shadow, but it was swinging. You could hear the creaking of the beam, see the sway of shadowed body as it goes from side to side. The room was dusty, all made of wood - you could smell the dust.

Kitzmiller v. Dover (2005) is one of the most fascinating court cases to read, primarily because of its ultimate scathing destruction of YECreationist/ID attempts to embed itself permanently in the fabric of science. Everyone should read about it.

See? Non sequiturs. Things that pop through my brain one by one. There is an actual running link between Fever Ray, my inadequacy of speech, Nicole Blackman, a vision of a hanged body, and Kitzmiller, a logic path that I can barely describe in its convolutions.

I am tired. There is nothing to see here.

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